Atlas of Human Anatomy
of stomach
, 293
of upper limb
, 403
of urinary bladder
, 316
Lymphatic drainage, of breast
, 182
Lymphatic drainage routes, of lungs
, 205
Lymphatic duct, right
, 182, 295
Lymphatic trunk
, 295
, 295
Mackenrodt’s ligament
, 342–343, 350–351
Macula, fovea centralis in
, 89, 92
Macular arteriole
, 92
, 92
Macular venule
, 92
, 92
Macular zone
, 121
, 92
Magendie, foramen of
, 109–110, 116, 118
Mallear fold
, 95
, 95
Mallear stria, arteries of
, 96
Malleolar artery
anterior lateral
, 508–509, 517–518
anterior medial
, 508–509, 517–518
, 468, 500–501, 503–508, 517–518, 531
, 468, 500–501, 503–505, 507–508,
516–518, 531
, 94–95, 98
anterior ligament of
, 95
handle of
, 95–96
head of
, 95, 125
lateral process of
, 95
superior ligament of
, 95
Mammary gland
anterolateral dissection
, 179
arteries of
, 180
lymph nodes of
, 181
lymph vessels of
, 181
sagittal section of
, 179
Mammillary body
, 107–109, 113, 115, 148
Mammillary process
, 155
Mammillothalamic fasciculus
, 107
Mammillothalamic tract (of Vicq d’Azyr)
, 4, 6, 15, 26, 64
of aged person
, 17
alveolar part of
, 17
angle of
, 1, 15, 17, 66
base of
, 17
body of
, 4, 6, 15, 17, 29, 43
buccinator crest of
, 70
condylar process of
, 15, 17
head of
, 6
condyle of
, 7
coronoid process of
, 6–7, 15, 17, 42
digastric fossa of
, 17
head of
, 17
interalveolar septa of
, 17
lingula of
, 17
mandibular foramen of
, 17
mandibular notch of
, 6, 17
mental foramen of
, 4, 6, 17
mental protuberance of
, 1, 4, 17
mental spines of
, 17
mental tubercle of
, 4
mylohyoid groove of
, 17
mylohyoid line of
, 17
neck of
, 17, 42
oblique line of
, 6, 17, 70
pterygoid fovea of
, 17
ramus of
, 4–6, 15, 17, 24, 29, 47
temporalis muscle insertion to
, 6
retromolar fossa of
, 17
sublingual fossa of
, 17
submandibular fossa of
, 17
Mandibular canal
, 47
Mandibular foramen
, 17, 58
inferior alveolar nerve entering
, 50
Mandibular fossa
, 6, 10, 14, 100
, 18
Mandibular lymph nodes
, 74
Mandibular nerves (V
, 88, 105, 122–123,
126, 132, 134–136
meningeal branch of
, 88
Mandibular nerves (V
, 2, 12–13, 18, 50, 71
anterior division of
, 50
articular branch of
, 123
lateral view of
, 50
medial view of
, 50
meningeal branch of
, 12–13, 50, 123
motor root of
, 50
parotid branches of
, 123
posterior division of
, 50
sensory root of
, 50
superficial temporal branches of
, 123
Mandibular notch
, 6, 15, 17
Mandibular periosteum
, 63
Manubriosternal joint
, 184
Manubriosternal junction
, 240
Manubriosternal synchondrosis
, 404
Manubrium of sternum
, 26–27, 29, 64,
183–184, 187, 195, 238–239, 404
Marginal artery
, 288, 302, 376
left (obtuse)
, 215
, 216
Marginal collecting vessels
, 75
Marginal plexus
, 302
Marginal sulcus
, 107
Masseter muscle
, 24, 27, 29, 42, 46–48
deep part of
, 48
insertion of
, 6
superficial part of
, 48
Masseteric artery
, 6, 49, 51, 72
Masseteric fascia
, 25
Masseteric nerve (V
, 6, 49–51, 71, 123
Mastication, muscles involved in
, 48–49
innervation of
, 119
Mastoid air cells
, 7, 42, 55, 96
Mastoid angle
, 11
Mastoid antrum
, 96
Mastoid canaliculus
, 10, 12
Mastoid emissary vein
, 3
in mastoid foramen
, 12
Mastoid foramen
, 10, 12–13, 16
Mastoid lymph nodes
, 74
Mastoid notch
, 10
Mastoid process
, 6, 10, 15–16, 24, 27, 29–30,
58–59, 100, 173
, 4, 6, 8, 10
alveolar process of
, 4, 6, 8, 16, 37, 43
anterior nasal spine of
, 4, 6, 8, 37
frontal process of
, 4, 6, 35, 37, 83
incisive canal of
, 8, 37–38
incisive fossa of
, 10
infra-orbital foramen of
, 4, 6
infratemporal surface of
, 6
intermaxillary suture of
, 10
nasal crest of
, 38
nasal spine of, anterior
, 35, 38
nasal surface of
, 8
of newborn
, 14, 45
orbital surface of
, 4
palatine process of
, 7–8, 10, 16, 36–38, 57,
62, 100
tuberosity of
, 6, 16
zygomatic process of
, 4, 10
Maxillary artery
, 18, 34, 40, 49–51, 54–55,
71–72, 96, 102, 132, 134–135, 137, 139
posterior lateral nasal branch of
, 51
Maxillary bone
, 42
Maxillary nerve (V
, 13, 39, 50, 52, 54–55,
71, 88, 105, 122–123, 132, 134–136
entering foramen rotundum
, 53
meningeal branch of
, 88, 123
nasal branches of
, 123
posterior inferior lateral
, 39, 54
posterior superior
, 53
posterior superior lateral
, 39, 41, 54
posterior superior medial
, 123
pharyngeal branch of
, 39, 123
Maxillary nerves (V
, 2
Maxillary ostium
, 55
Maxillary periosteum
, 63
Maxillary plexus
, 132
Maxillary sinus
, 5, 7, 42, 44, 53, 55, 86
growth of
, 45
, 43
of newborn
, 45
opening of
, 36–37, 43–44
postsynaptic fibers to
, 53
recesses of
, 43
transverse section of
, 42
wall of
, 54
Maxillary veins
, 73, 87
McBurney’s point
, 275
Medial eminence
, 116
Medial ligament, of ankle
, 514
Median aperture
, 109–110, 116, 118
of fourth ventricle
, 147
Median nerve
, 400, 415–417, 419, 421,
432–434, 436, 441, 447, 449, 452–453,
articular branch of
, 463
communicating branch of
, 453, 460,
digital branch
, 400
palmar branch of
, 400, 402, 432–433, 446,
453, 459, 463
palmar digital branches of
, 400, 456, 459
, 447, 460
, 460
recurrent branch of
, 446–447, 453, 460
Median nuclei
, 112
Median raphe
of levator ani muscle
, 337
levator plate
, 336
between mylohyoid muscles
, 58
Median sulcus
, 60
, 116
Mediastinal lymph nodes
, 238
, 235
Mediastinal nodes, anterior, pathway to
Mediastinal pleurae
, 191, 209
, 191
lung area for
, 196
cross section of
, 213
lateral view of
, 228
, 227
superior, great vessels of
, 203
Mediastinum testis
, 368
Medulla oblongata
, 13, 42, 53, 107, 116,
125, 135, 164, 224, 303, 318
in foramen magnum
, 12
lower part of
, 136
nuclear layer of
, 114
Medullary artery, segmental
, 167–168
Medullary lamina
, 112
, 112
Lymph vessels
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